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Countdown to Commencement: Meet our Student Speakers

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MS, Strategic Fundraising and Philanthropy
Kent, CT

This year's University theme was "Thrive." Can you share an example of how you thrived during your time at 极速六合彩, or how you plan to thrive after graduation?

I've only been working as a fundraiser for three years. I chose the Strategic Fundraising program because I wanted to gain a strong base of knowledge and move up in my career. About a month before my last class ended, my supervisor, the director of our annual fund, suddenly left her position. There was no time to find a replacement, so I stepped up to fill in. Without my 极速六合彩 education, I would not have had the confidence, knowledge or skills to lead our annual fund.

What was your most significant learning experience at 极速六合彩?

My most significant learning experience at 极速六合彩 was learning about who I am as a leader. Learning about the type of leader I am, how I work best with others, my strengths and my challenges helped me gain a better understanding of the part I play on my team and made me a more effective employee.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Breathe! The first few classes are very overwhelming, particularly if you are going back to school after a long hiatus, like I did. I had to remind myself to slow down, take some deep breaths and prioritize. Once I relaxed my expectations of perfection and focused on my priorities, I discovered there was enough time to get everything done, and do it well.

What are you most looking forward to once you graduate?

Spending my weekends with my family instead of writing papers.

Will you be working after graduation? If so, what will you be doing? 

I will continue in my position with the Office of Advancement at a private college preparatory school in Connecticut.

BS, Business Administration

This year's University theme was "Thrive." Can you share an example of how you thrived during your time at 极速六合彩, or how you plan to thrive after graduation?

When I came to 极速六合彩 from Tibet four years ago, I wasn’t confident and felt too shy to talk about my dreams. But my professors and friends heard my story and believed in me, so I started to dream bigger and take risks. I have now received international awards for my films and photographs as well as the Grinspoon Entrepreneurial Spirit Award and the Best Exhibit Award, and was a finalist in the Draper Business Competition. I have since launched my family business, Khyenle, including a website that I continue to maintain. I recently completed a Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage Internship, and through that, was able bring my father and brother to the USA to visit. During that time, I gave talks at Yale, the Smithsonian museums, and the Latse Library in New York City through Smithsonian's STAR Program. I also started an online project, Tale of Tibetans, a series of photographs and stories of Tibetan people. 

What was your most significant learning experience at 极速六合彩?

I was able to work with my professors closely and ask for advice and guidance. Also, I received extra help from professional tutors who have experience in teaching English as a second or third language. Their help not only enhanced my success in academics, it opened up the possibilities for me to participate in other activities on campus.  

What advice do you have for incoming students?

极速六合彩 provides the platform and tools for you to thrive in your own ways. You can choose to use those resource to thrive—it’s up to you. But no matter which path you take, don't leave with regrets.

What are you most looking forward to once you graduate?

I am sad that I need to leave many friends and mentors behind and move back to Tibet. At the same time, I’m very excited to become a full-time entrepreneur back home, where I will able to apply the knowledge and tools I gained at 极速六合彩 to working with Tibetan artisans. Starting with Khynele, I want to eventually influence more people to make a difference with social entrepreneurship and sustainable development in rural communities.  

BA, Liberal Arts (The American Women’s College)
Vernon, CT

This year's University theme was "Thrive." Can you share an example of how you thrived during your time at 极速六合彩, or how you plan to thrive after graduation?

The women of 极速六合彩, faculty, staff, and students, have given me the courage and hope I need to thrive during my studies these past two years. Each woman who has shared her story, either during class, online, or in passing, has broadened my perspective on life and shown me what it means to face a challenge and persevere.  Our common goals have united us in friendship and made this college experience far more enriching than I could have ever imagined. 

What was your most significant learning experience at 极速六合彩?

I came to 极速六合彩 with my associate degree. I had already experienced many academic challenges, but I started an entirely new journey when I began taking accelerated courses and online courses. 极速六合彩 challenged me to develop my critical thinking, research, writing, and time-management skills. It has been a hard journey, but I feel it has prepared me for the path to my master's degree.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Find your tribe!  If you want the most out of your 极速六合彩 experience, don't go it alone. Connect with other women online or on campus and make friendships. Connect with your professors, too. They want to hear from you and help you. If you email them and ask the questions that are on your mind, you will feel your stress ease up and find the challenges of learning easier to overcome. 

What are you most looking forward to once you graduate?

I am looking forward to more time with my family and the freedom to read purely for pleasure, but I am also excited to pursue graduate school sometime in the next few years.

Any other thoughts or accomplishments you'd like to share?

It is truly an honor to represent the American Women's College Online and One Day program as their commencement speaker.  I do not feel I can fully express the thoughts and emotions each of us are experiencing as we graduate, but I hope that in some small measure I can offer each graduate the same hope and courage they have given me these past two years.


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