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23rd Annual Women's Leadership Conference Receives Rave Reviews by Attendees

From start to finish, our Women’s Leadership Conference “Be Curious” was a home run!

The crowd listened intently to morning keynote speaker Amy Cuddy, author and social scientist, and her presentation on power posing and adult bullying.

Morning keynote speaker Amy Cuddy

The lunchtime panel with our 2018 inductees into the 21st Century Women Business Leaders Hall of Fame was a big hit with participants—congratulations to Lisa Tanzer, president of Life is Good; Nancy Shendell-Falik, president of Baystate Medical Center and senior vice president of Hospital Operations at Baystate Health; and Kirk Arnold, former CEO of Data Intensity and our 2004 inductee, for sharing their stories.

Closing speaker Lena Waithe with President Carol Leary

Closing speaker Lena Waithe, writer, producer, and actor, was absolutely riveting. Her honesty and authenticity truly impressed the audience.

Save the date for next year's Women's Leadership Conference: March 29, 2019!