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Professional Writing Degree

Dream of being a writer? Make it possible.

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Ways to Apply:

Why Professional Writing at ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê?

Students who major in Professional Writing prepare themselves for a career in writing by developing critical thinking skills, creativity, and technical expertise. Passionate about the written word, you translate your skills in voice, editing, creativity and research into a finely-crafted piece that fits the audience of the medium. 

The demand for fine writing is growing, and you could find yourself as a content writer who blends words with video / photography / audio, a blogger for a company, a grant writer for a nonprofit, or a freelancer who needs to tell the organization’s story. Graduates of the program will have a portfolio of polished, publishable work.

As a Professional Writing major, you will:

  • Learn to analyze audience, purpose and context to create powerful written and visual responses
  • Explore rhetorical, analytical and research skills and strategies that bring depth and strength to your writing
  • Create blog, website and social media content and instructional materials
  • Publish projects in digital and traditional environments