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Yeukai Imeh, PhD

Adjunct Professor

PhD, Simmons College; MEd, Pace University; MBA, Southern Connecticut State University; BA, Southern Connecticut State University

My personal vision for education in the 21st Century

My undergraduate educational experience was quite like Dr. Ron Ritchart’s school experience: “an encounter that often denies one’s natural intelligence and curiosity, as an act that serves to bind rather than free the mind, and as an institution that treats creative intellect as mysterious, devious and irritating.” I am a vivid admirer of Dr. Ritchhart’s research on the development of intellectual character. My goal is to become an instructor that goes beyond the mere transference of skills and knowledge, into a practitioner who nurtures a culture of cultivating the dispositions and habits that students need for a lifetime of learning, problem solving, and effective decision-making.

I believe this can be accomplished by designing and implementing lessons with thinking routines to direct and guide mental action. This will lead to the generation of ideas and the setting of goals that make rich activities. When students have contributed to the development of a curriculum, they are motivated to work hard and master the skills necessary to reach their goals. As a young instructor, I have learned that teaching is an ongoing process of learning from colleagues and students, and understanding new philosophies and strategies. Continuous reflection is key to improving one’s pedagogical practice and this is a skill I hope to teach and model for my students.

My vision for education in the 21st century is that it will provide individuals with an opportunity for continual learning and growth. One of my hopes as an educator is to cultivate productive patterns of thinking in my students helping them develop a sense of social responsibility. I feel there is a need for passionate, strong, and dedicated individuals who are excited about contributing to their society. It is important for students to not only receive a solid education, but to gain an understanding and appreciation of the role education plays in their life-time journey of learning, problem solving, and effective decision making.